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Moving to MkDocs

In the past I was using fastpages for some blogging while on partnal leave with my second daughter. While the looks are certainly amazing, I was unconfortable with the amount of magic going on and the lack of control. That's why I have decided to switch over to mkdocs / mkdocs-material which I'm already using extensively at work.

Through mkdocs-jupyter I'll be able to keep the existing posts in .ipynb format.

With mkdocs-bibtex I will be able to keep the current bibliograpy, but will have to modify the citation style from {% cite XYZ %} to [@XYZ]. See 1 for an example. This works in markdown files, but not in jupyter notebooks.# Let's see what can be done here short of switching from mkdocs to jupyter-book.

I'm really missing the graphical overview of the landing page in fastpages which shows the latest posts in order together with the headline and optional a graphic. See here for an example. Placing and styling images is surprisingly difficult in markdown. I spent quite some time searching for ways to implement this without customizing the mkdocs theme, without success so far.


  • Move all .ipynb files and clean of fastpages-specific magic
  • Get the bibliography working, see
  • Make a (nice) intro page, see e.g.
  • Hide the In/Out fields inside the notebooks, see
  • Collapse jupyter cells, see
  • Adding tags, see


  1. Adriana Schulz, Harrison Wang, Eitan Grinspun, Justin Solomon, and Wojciech Matusik. Interactive exploration of design trade-offs. ACM Trans. Graph., July 2018. URL:, doi:10.1145/3197517.3201385